
Learning Pathway


At Nam Uc Scotch AGS, students learn an Australian-standard academic program from Grades 1 to 12. At the primary and middle levels, the program is designed based on the Australian Curriculum. At high school, students can study the ACE program, recognized globally, so that they can enter the world’s top 1% universities in Australia, the UK, the USA, Canada, and Singapore.

The learning pathway for students at Scotch AGS matches all three criteria: coherence, relevance, and rigor for each student’s developmental stage at each grade level.

Coherence: There is a progression in the curriculum from Grades 1–12.

  • Grades 1 to 10: In this stage, Primary and Middle School students study the Australian Curriculum.
  • Grades 10 to 12: The ACE program is taught at the High School level.

Relevance: The curriculum is relevant to the age of the students and their developmental stage, as well as the training context in Vietnam. 

Rigor: The teaching and learning are of a very high quality. Every day, students experience both success and challenges. The quality of Scotch AGS teachers is managed according to Australian standards with the selections, training, and periodical tests from Scotch College Adelaide.

Scotch AGS learning pathway
Scotch AGS students receive certificates of merit and awards from teachers.

Australian Curriculum

The Australian Curriculum is designed to ensure that all students have access to the highest quality and most consistent teaching content, no matter where they live. The program covers areas such as English, Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences, Arts, Physical education, etc. The program also pays special attention to the development of life skills and creative thinking, helping students become global and confident citizens.

  • Grades 1-2: In their first years of school, students learn through teaching interactions with others, experimentation, and practice in the classroom and school community. Priority is given to literacy and numeracy development, as these are the foundations upon which further learning is built. Learning in a classroom and belonging to a school community are key to the first year at school.
  • Grades 3–4: In Grades 3 and 4, students become more independent; they communicate with others more effectively. English and Mathematics continue to be priorities, and literacy and numeracy are developed across all learning areas.
  • Grades 5–6: In Grades 5 and 6, students develop an ability to take positive actions for their wellbeing; they relate to others and communicate well with others; they ask challenging questions and seek answers; they make informed decisions and act responsibly. The development of information and communication technology skills increases across the curriculum at this level.
  • Grades 7–8: In Grades 7 and 8, students meet new organizational and personal challenges. At this age, there is a focus on developing students’ abilities to maintain personal health, wellbeing and manage personal relationships.
  • Grades 9–10: In this stage, the curriculum equips students with knowledge about society, economy, and citizenship, helping them practice applying that knowledge to their social lives. Students are provided with opportunities to make choices about learning and specialize in areas that interest them.

The ACE Program

Nam Uc Scotch AGS is proud to be a companion with Scotch International Education System and SACE International to bring the Australian Certificate of Education – ACE to Vietnamese students.

With its competency-based training characteristics from the ACE, students will be equipped with practical problem-solving and approach skills so that they can confidently integrate and assert themselves in an international environment, which helps them win scholarships at the world’s top 1% of universities. At Nam Uc Scotch AGS, the core subjects offered at the Grade 12 level can be counted towards the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) to enter universities.

Students who graduate from Scotch AGS with the Australian certificate can confidently apply to many of the top universities in the world. In addition, the top public universities in Vietnam accept international degrees and certificates. Therefore, students can confidently use their results to apply to universities in Vietnam.

See the full list of the top universities with students studying here:
SACEi University Destination Data 2021

Grades 11–12: In this stage, students study the ACE program, which is designed with a special pathway focusing on seven competencies. In addition, clubs, extracurricular activities, and social activities also help students discover their potential and career passion, thereby laying a solid foundation for them to choose the right majors.

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