
CCA Program

Focusing on the CCA programs is the goal of training at Nam Uc Scotch AGS. We desire that every student has the opportunity to discover new knowledge, be positive to have life experiences to become the best version of themselves.

What is the CCA program?

Nam Uc Scotch AGS believes in providing students with a comprehensive education that focuses not only on academics but also on personal, social, and civic development. The co-curricular activities, known as the CCA program, are designed to offer students opportunities to develop their interests, talents, skills, and values in various fields such as sports, music, the arts, science, culture, leadership, and other academic-related aspects.

We are confident that participating in CCA activities will help students explore their passions, express creativity, boost self-confidence, nurture teamwork, and develop communication skills. This will expand their vision, understanding, and passion for self-learning, preparing them to become global citizens.

  • Entrepreneurship: Nam Uc Scotch AGS students engage in various activities to enhance their business skills, including planning and operating a business and developing project management skills. The program also focuses on analyzing and exploring business opportunities, providing students with a profound understanding of the market, and fostering entrepreneurial thinking with creativity and determination.
  • STEM: Students participate in diverse extracurricular science activities, including research experiments and applying STEM to create practical models. They develop models of vegetable gardens combined with business fundraising strategies or apply chemistry and physics to create everyday items. Through these activities, students expand their knowledge, enhance creativity, and apply lessons to real-life situations.
  • Music and Arts: Music and art classes provide students with fundamental knowledge in the arts, while CCA activities offer opportunities for artistic expression. Students can experience modern dance classes, public speaking, debating, and storytelling in front of an audience. These specially designed classes help students build their personal brand, performance skills, and adaptability to confidently face challenges.
  • Sports: CCA extracurricular activities in this field aim to develop logical and strategic thinking through activities like chess, improve reflexes with table tennis, and enhance technical skills deeply with basketball. The diverse forms of training help students develop comprehensive physical fitness, teamwork, and performance skills.

The importance of the CCA programs in school life

Participating in extracurricular activities at Scotch AGS brings many benefits:

1. Improve physical fitness

Extracurricular activities are often accompanied by sports. Practicing sports helps children build team spirit, improve health, increase resistance, develop height, find positive energy for themselves.

Hoạt động ngoại khóa tại Scotch AGS

2. Improve knowledge and life skills

Not only are the regular physical activities, but the extra-curricular program also broadens the children’s knowledge about and equips them with essential life skills, such as first aid and medical activities. improvisation in emergency situations, teamwork, leadership, presentation skills.

Chương trình ngoại khóa Scotch AGS

3. Bonding friendship

Team activities, bonding games are an ideal environment for students to make new friends and bond with classmates.

– Clubs
– Festival
– Picnic
– Skills development
– Talent contest