
Tuition Fee


Grade Official Tuition fee Direct Tuition Discount policy

Before 31/01/2024
(Discount 35%)

Before 30/04/2024
(Discount 30%)
After 30/06/2024
(Discount 25%)
1 316,940,000 206,011,000         221,858,000 237,705,000
2 316,940,000 206,011,000         221,858,000 237,705,000
3 363,216,000 236,090,400         254,251,200 272,412,000
4 363,216,000 236,090,400         254,251,200 272,412,000
5 404,628,000 263,008,200         283,239,600 303,471,000 
6 450,828,000 293,038,200         315,579,600 338,121,000
7 450,828,000 293,038,200         315,579,600 338,121,000
8 485,100,000 315,315,000         339,570,000 363,825,000
9 485,100,000 315,315,000         339,570,000 363,825,000
10 521,514,000 338,984,100         365,059,800 391,135,500
11 521,514,000 338,984,100         365,059,800 391,135,500
12 521,514,000 338,984,100         365,059,800 391,135,500
Grade Official Tuition fee Tuition discount priority
Tuition discount 50% Tuition discount 40%
1 316,940,000 158,470,000 190,164,000
2 316,940,000 158,470,000 190,164,000
3 363,216,000 181,608,000 217,929,600
4 363,216,000 181,608,000 217,929,600
5 404,628,000 202,314,000 242,776,800
6 450,828,000 225,414,000 270,496,800
7 450,828,000 225,414,000 270,496,800
8 485,100,000 242,550,000 291,060,000
9 485,100,000 242,550,000 291,060,000
10 521,514,000 260,757,000 312,908,400
11 521,514,000 260,757,000 312,908,400
12 521,514,000 260,757,000 312,908,400

* In addition to paying for a full year, parents can choose to pay monthly according to the tuition fees below:


100% Tuition fee Discount 40% Discount 50%
Full year Each month Full year Each month Full year Each month
1 316,940,000 26,411,667 190,164,000 15,847,000 158,470,000 13,205,833
2 316,940,000 26,411,667 190,164,000 15,847,000 158,470,000 13,205,833
3 363,216,000 30,268,000 217,929,600 18,160,800 181,608,000 15,134,000
4 363,216,000 30,268,000 217,929,600 18,160,800 181,608,000 15,134,000
5 404,628,000 33,719,000 242,776,800 20,231,400 202,314,000 16,859,500

6 450,828,000 37,569,000 190,164,000 22,541,400 225,414,000 18,784,500
7 450,828,000 37,569,000 190,164,000 22,541,400 225,414,000 18,784,500
8 485,100,000 40,425,000 217,929,600 24,255,000 242,550,000 20,212,500
9 485,100,000 40,425,000 217,929,600 24,255,000 242,550,000 20,212,500

10 521,514,000 43,459,500 312,908,400 26,075,700 260,757,000 21,729,750
11 521,514,000 43,459,500 312,908,400 26,075,700 260,757,000 21,729,750
12 521,514,000 43,459,500 312,908,400 26,075,700 260,757,000 21,729,750

Important Note for the Tuition and EduFin AGS Policy

  • For new students (from grade 1 to grade 8), this policy will be effective until the completion of grade 9.
  • For new students (from grade 9 and above), this policy will be effective until the completion of grade 12.

The scholarship policy in the three admission rounds is evaluated based on GPA and performance in the national academic excellence competition at all levels.

  Withdrawal time Refund Rate
Annual tuition fee Semester tuition fee Quarterly tuition fee
Before 29/07/2024 95% 90% Not applicable
29/07/2024 – 27/09/2024 70% 40% Not applicable
28/09/2024 – 13/12/2024 45% 0% Not applicable
14/12/2024 – 14/03/2025 20% 40% Not applicable
After 15/03/2025 0% 0% Not applicable

Note: To be eligible for a refund under this policy, parents must notify the school in writing at least 30 days before the student’s last official day of attendance. In cases where the school receives written notice less than 30 days before the specified date, a lower refund percentage will be applicable. The refund policy does not apply to quarterly fee payment cases.

Admission Fees

  • Application Fee: 1,000,000 VND (non-refundable, includes the entrance test fee for grades 3, 4, 5, and the first VEPT test, excluding the CAT4 test fee). (100% waiver for Round 1, 50% waiver for Round 2, no waiver for Round 3).
  • CAT4 Entrance Test Fee: 500,000 VND.
  • VEPT Retest Fee: 500,000 VND.
  • Reservation Fee: 25,000,000 VND (to be paid upon accepting the admission offer to secure a spot, and this amount will be deducted from the first tuition payment upon enrollment).
  • Enrollment Fee: 25,000,000 VND (non-refundable, to be paid at the time of submitting the admission application. For families with two or more children enrolled, the enrollment fee for the second and subsequent children is reduced by 50% per student).
  • Sibling Discount: Additional 5% tuition fee reduction for the second and subsequent children.
  • Application and entrance test fees are non-refundable.

Tuition fees do not include

  • Uniforms
  • Textbooks, expenses related to online learning platforms, and learning tools from grades 1–12
  • Health insurance and accident insurance (as per the state-regulated fee)
  • Additional extracurricular activities such as music classes, sports, art clubs, etc.
  • Bus transportation fees to and from the school
  • Boarding school meal fees
  • Other miscellaneous fees, such as image publications, magazines, etc., of the school
  • Tablets and personal computers are required for each grade level. Refer to the school’s website for regulations and requirements for online learning.
  • Optional trip fees must be fully paid before the departure date.